how many people leave islam every yearhow many people leave islam every year

[461] Similar shares listed reasons related to a preference for other religions or philosophies (16%) and personal growth experiences (14%), such as becoming more educated or maturing. [47] In Nigeria, the percentage of Christians has grown from 21.4%, in 1953, to 50.8%, in 2010. Among this group, 55% no longer identify with any religion, according to the 2017 survey. Some faiths grow exponentially at first (especially, for example, along trade routes[27] Lesser populations are found in North America (7.6%) and the Middle East/North Africa (6.2%), while the smallest populations in Europe (2.0%), Australasia (1.6%), and Northeast Asia (0.9%). : New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World, Think religion is in decline? [citation needed]. [81] According to scholar Terence Chong, since 1980s Protestantism is expanding in Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and South Korea. [327] In Europe Muslim population will be nearly double (from 5.9% to 10.2%). And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population is projected to reach8.1 million, or 2.1% of the nations total population nearly twice the share of today. (RNS) It's bad news for organized religion: A majority of the religiously unaffiliated the so-called "nones" say they fell away from faith not because of any . [328] By the end of 2100 Muslims are expected to outnumber Christians. The clash of internal currents is wearing the movement down a year and a half after it regained power in Afghanistan. [226][227] However, these forecasts lack reliable data on religious conversion in China, but according to media reports and expert assessments, it is possible that the rapid growth of Christianity in China may maintain, or even increase, the current numerical advantage of Christianity as the largest religion in the world. Conversions involving Islam sometimes look like a one-way street in the West. [62] Changes in worldwide Protestantism over the last century have been significant. The number of Muslims will equal the number of Christians around the . [333] On the other hand, the increasingly large ex-Muslim communities in the Western world that adhere to no religion have been well documented. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. [94] According to a poll conducted by the Gallup Organization in 2006, Christianity has increased significantly in Japan, particularly among youth, and a high number of teens are becoming Christians. [332], Generally, there are few reports about how many people leave Islam in Muslim majority countries. If Islam would be dying then the mosques would not be getting more full with every coming year but the trend would be an opposite: mosques would get . For example, individuals can receive a capital punishment if they openly leave Islam in some Muslim countries. By contrast, during the same time period, the religiously unaffiliated category went from 17 percent in 2009 to 26 percent a decade later. Religion. Jay Diamond, Larry. [52] Christians have 2.7 children per woman, which is above replacement level (2.1). [47] In South Africa, Pentecostalism has grown from 0.2%, in 1951, to 7.6%, in 2001. After the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, the young Muslim federation came under strain. forced converts from Islam. But individuals are now renouncing Islam at greater rates than ever before. According to Pew Research Center, in the United States, the percentage of people converting to Islam is almost the same as the people leaving Islam ( about 23%). And only two western European countries France and Belgium will become around 10 percent Muslim, by 2030. Credit: Kitti Kahotong / EyeEm. "People died in my . [251] While the exact number of Dalit converts to Christianity in India is not available, scholar William R. Burrow of Colorado State University estimated that about 8% of Dalit have converted to Christianity. It is an autonomous republic in Russia. The UN concluded that in the first eight months of 2014, at least 9,347 civilians had been killed and at least 17,386 wounded. 2010 Chinese Jesus Life Survey conducted by Dr. Yang Fenggang, Purdue University's Center on Religion and Chinese Society. [65] In 2000, percentage of Protestants on mentioned continents was 17%, more than 27% and 5.5%, respectively. This increase primarily reflects the rapid growth of Haredi and some Orthodox sectors, who are becoming a growing proportion of Jews. [247] According to a report by the Singapore Management University, more people in Southeast Asia are converting to Christianity, and these new converts are mostly Chinese business managers. [459] The decline is largely due to the advanced age (median age of 34) and low fertility among unaffiliated or Nonreligious (1.7 children per woman in the 20102015 period). [47] It is expected that by 2025 there will be 600million Christians in Africa. Learn about Muslims and Islam through four short lessons delivered to your inbox every other day. The paper concludes that the Pentecostalism movement is the fastest-growing religion worldwide. [358], There exist different views among scholars about the spread of Islam. The report also shows that the fall in the birth rate of Muslims slowed down the growth rate from 1990 to 2010. [331] Europe's Muslim population also has higher fertility (2.1) than other religious groups in the region, well above the regional average (1.6). [60] Evangelical Christian denominations also are among the fastest-growing denominations in some Catholic Christian countries, such as Brazil and France (France going from 2% to 3% of the population). Since the countries' religious establishments also serve as. [43], According to scholars Miikka Ruokanen and Paulos Huang of University of Helsinki, the rebirth of traditional religion in China is faster and larger than the spread of other religions in the country, such as Buddhism and Christianity:[44]. [508][509][510], The number of Kurdish Zoroastrians, along with those of non-ethnic converts, has been estimated differently. Despite the decline, Muslims still have the highest birth rate among the world's major religious groups. [78][79] According to scholar Paul Freston of Wilfrid Laurier University Pentecostalism continues to grow in Latin America, "both by conversion and by high birth rates". Buddhism is the majority religion in nine countries: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Bhutan, Mongolia, Japan and Singapore. [306][335] Equally, Darren E. Sherkat questioned in Foreign Affairs whether some of the Muslim growth projections are accurate as they do not take into account the increasing number of non-religious Muslims. [515], Statistics on religious adherence are difficult to gather and often contradictory; statistics for the change of religious adherence are even more so, requiring multiple surveys separated by many years using the same data gathering rules. It is expected to increase up to 62million by 2100, given that the anticipated growth rate of 1.7% per year and adding at least 400,000 followers annually. [26], The largest net gains for the religiously unaffiliated between 2010 and 2050 are expected in North America (+26 million), Europe (+24 million), Latin America (+6 million), and the Asia-Pacific region (4 million). Quantitative research is lacking, but he believes the European trend mirrors the American: data from the General Social Survey in the United States show that 32 percent of those raised Muslim no longer embrace Islam in adulthood, and 18 percent hold no religious identification. Muslims in the U.S. are not as numerous as the number of Americans who identify as Jewish by religion, according to our estimate. 55% of the Muslims who quit Islam prefer to follow no religion while 22% specifically adopt to become Christians. [26], The American Religious Identification Survey gave nonreligious groups the largest gain in terms of absolute numbers: 14.3 million (8.4% of the population) to 29.4 million (14.1% of the population) for the period 19902001 in the U.S.[451][452] A 2012 study by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life reports, "The number of Americans who do not identify with any religion continues to grow at a rapid pace. Democratic Republic of Congo: Muslim fighters from the Allied Democratic Forces, which earlier pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS), murdered at least 17 people, possibly many more, in the Christian-majority (95%) African nation. A total of 144 persons adopted Islam. "The Lost History of Christianity." [495][496] From the 10th century onwards,[497] Zoroastrians emigrated to Gujarat, India where they found asylum from unjust persecutions and since then are called Parsi, since Indians called Persia Faras and hence named them Parsi. [408] Since 2005, the world's Jewish population has been growing modestly at a rate of around 0.78% (in 2013). What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. [53] According to Pew Research Center study, by 2050 the number of Christians in absolute number is expected to grow to more than double in the next few decades,[54] from 517 million to 1.1billion in Sub Saharan Africa,[54] from 531million to 665million in Latin America and Caribbean,[54] from 287 million to 381million in Asia,[54] and from 266 million to 287million in North America. [59] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated 223 million babies were born to Christian mothers and roughly 107 million Christians died, meaning that the natural increase in the Christian population i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths was 116 million over this period". [349] The prospect of a homogenous Muslim community per se, or a Muslim majority in Europe is however out of the question. [287], Hinduism is a growing religion in countries such as Ghana,[288] Russia,[289] and the United States. [125] Indonesia is home to the largest Christian community made up of converts from their former Islamic faith; according to various sources, since the mid and late 1960s, between two million to 2.5 million Muslims converted to Christianity. Every year about 150 . Professor Eric Kaufmann, whose academic specialization is how demography affects irreligion/religion/politics, wrote in 2012: In my book, Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? [433][434][435][436] Meanwhile in other times or places the religion has experienced surges in growth. Wealthy Neighborhoods Saw the Most People Leave Every borough experienced a spike in people moving out last year, but Manhattan saw the . By 2011, the number of Muslims had grown to 2.75 million (including 1.8 million adults). In fact, a solid 55 percent of those who leave Islam stop identifying with a religion at all. [75] Protestantism is growing primarily as a result of historic missionary activity and the recently high fertility rate in Africa,[76][77][38] and due primarily to conversion in China. [283] Approximately 94% of the world's Hindus live in India. "[] the insignificant amount of this yearly tax, the fact that it was progressive, that elders, poor people, handicapped, women, children, monks, and hermits were exempted, leave no doubt about exploitation or persecution of those who did not accept Islam. "A missiological postscript", in McLeod and Ustorf (eds). [348] Berkeley: University of California Press, c1990 1990. HarperCollins, 2009, p.15,93. It has a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error. Feb. 3, 2013. [390] Israel is the only country with a Jewish population that is consistently growing through natural population growth and extensive immigration, although the Jewish populations of other countries, in Europe and North America, have recently increased through immigration. The Evil Eye is a curse that is believed to be cast by someone who has envy or jealousy towards another person. [329] According to the same study, Muslims population growth is twice of world's overall population growth due to young age and relatively high fertility rate and as a result Muslims are projected to rise to 30% (2050) of the world's population from 23% (2010). Only 4.7% of the Parsi community are under 6 years of age, which translates to 7 births per year per 1,000 individuals. Comparing its amount to the obligatory zakah which an ex-dhimmi should give to the Muslim state in case he converts to Islam dismisses the claim that its aim was forced conversions to Islam.

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